SECTION I - All applicants are required to complete Section I
I hereby apply for REALTORS® AND MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Membership in the above named Board, as my PRIMARY or SECONDARY Board and enclose my payment (Credit/debit, cash or check) which I understand will be returned to me (minus a $50.00 processing fee) in the event I am not accepted to membership. The Fee Chart can be found here.
In the event my application is approved, I agree as a condition to membership to complete the indoctrination course of the above named board, if any, and otherwise on my own initiative to thoroughly familiarize myself with the code of ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, including the duty to arbitrate business disputes in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of the Association and the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the above named Association, the State Association and the National Association, and I further agree to complete satisfactorily a reasonable and nondiscriminatory written examination covering such Code, Constitutions, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and duty to arbitrate, all as from time to time amended. Finally, I consent and authorize the Association, through its Membership Committee or otherwise, to invite and receive information and comment about me from any Member or other person, and I agree that any information or comment furnished to the Association by any Member or any other person in response to any such invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, libel, or defamation of character.
NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that if accepted as a Member and he/she subsequently resigns or is expelled from membership in the Association with an ethics complaint or arbitration request pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant's verification that he/she will submit to the pending ethics or arbitration proceeding and will abide by the decision of the Hearing Panel; or if applicant resigns or is expelled from membership without having complied with an award in arbitration, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon his/her payment of the award, plus any costs that have previously been established as due and payable in relation thereto, provided that the award and such costs have not, in the interim, been otherwise satisfied.
NOTE: Dues payments to the DES MOINES AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, INC. are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Portions of such payments may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
I hereby submit the following information for your consideration:
NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that if the applicant or any real estate firm in which the applicant is a sole proprietor, general partner, or corporate officer is involved in any pending bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or has been adjusted bankrupt in the past three (3) years, the Association may require as a condition of membership that the bankrupt applicant pay cash in advance for Association and MLS fees for one (1) year from the date that membership is approved or from the date that the applicant is discharged from bankruptcy (whichever is later) or, in the event that bankruptcy proceedings are initiated subsequent to obtaining membership in the Association, that the member may be placed on a "cash basis" from the date that bankruptcy is initiated until one (1) year from the date that the member has been discharged from bankruptcy.
SECTION V - All applicants must sign
I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, may be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted.
I agree that, if accepted for Membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and dues as from time to time established.